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Pisces Woman Cancer Man Compatibility


Pisces and Cancer share a good amount of common ground, like both are water signs for starters. This article takes a look at the Pisces woman Cancer man compatibility and the mechanics of a Pisces woman Cancer man match. When it comes to astrological compatibility, the Pisces woman Cancer man compatibility is indeed quite blessed.

Pisces woman Cancer man compatibility ranks high in the astrologically blessed relationships list. In astrology, zodiac sign compatibility goes in the following order from best compatible to least; first with itself (Aries with Aries), then with other signs of the same element (Aries with Leo and Sagittarius) and then with the correspondingly compatible element [Earth (Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus) with Water (Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio); Fire (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) with Air (Libra, Gemini and Aquarius)]. Keeping with the same line of thought, one can see that as Pisces and Cancer both belong to the water element, they are both essentially compatible with each other.

Before moving on to the astrological sign compatibility of Pisces and Cancer, we should first take a look at the general characteristics of the typical Pisces woman and Cancer man. As you browse through the following paragraphs, you will by yourself form a clear picture on the Pisces woman Cancer man compatibility. Now for the fun part.

Pisces Woman Characteristics. My sister is a Picean female and she will definitely not appreciate everything I am going to write about right now. But if I am to portray a Pisces woman, this cannot be avoided. If ever there is anything that walks, talks, smells and behaves like a woman, it is a Piscean female. She is 100% female, meaning she is the classic heroine in all the age-old best-selling fiction novels. She is ultra feminine, has a pleasant voice and a general good disposition. That is hardly surprising, for she generally lives in her own beautiful, dream world that has no tears, no problems and no catastrophes. Know more about Pisces love match.

She is kind and caring, a bit more towards to animal species than the human kind, but caring nevertheless. She sways towards charity and service and usually wants to do good for everyone (a concept still unknown to all the so-called realists). She is usually the philanthropist in the true sense of the world. Though she usually looks frails and fragile (it is this I need a savior characteristic of hers that draws men to her like hordes of bees to a honey pot), she is surprisingly strong, both physically and emotionally. When cornered, she is a fighter of the best kind and no challenge that life throws at her can go without a good fight.